Thursday 15 December 2011

The Toyminator by Robert Rankin

Rating: 4-Would recommend it to everyone
Somewhere over the rainbow and beyond the Yellow Brick Road stands Toy City, formerly known as Toy Town. And things are not going well for the city’s inhabitants. There have been outbreaks of STC—Spontaneous Toy Combustion—and strange signs and portents in the Heavens. Preachers of Toy City’s many religions are predicting that the End Times are nigh and that a Toy City Apocalypse will soon come to pass. But can it be true? Or is there a simple explanation—alien invasion, for instance? With the body count rising and the forces of law and order baffled, it’s time for a hero to step forward and save the day. Well, two heroes actually. Eddie Bear, Toy City Private Eye, and his loyal sidekick, Jack. And they are about to face their biggest challenge yet—to save not only toykind, but mankind as well.
Yep you read the description right. Toy City is a world of toys, like literally walking, living talking toys.It is actually the sequel to The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse,but once again, I read the sequel first and havent got the time to read the first one.Yep, can't tame me

So anyway, the novel starts with Eddie Bear , a teddy bear, once upon a time mayor of Toy City itself. With Jack ( of Jack and Jill only, they kind of well, drifted apart) decided to 'open' their detective agency once more to investigate the muders around Toy City; thus discovering they have dopplegangers who suck the life off the victims.

Then the adventure begins: flirting, wallets, grenades and UFOs. They followed their alien dopplegangers through "The Second Big O" which on the other side proves to be the "O" of Hollywood sign.They have finally came to our world so to speak.

The aliens it turns out were chickens! Chickens planning to take over the land of men. 
aww that had been a pleasant treat for me, I was actually already hoping for something unexpected, I mean the novel started with a walking talking teddy bear after all; but I was still surprised with the chicken part like \(n_n)/ 

yep yep this are the alien chickens,evil chickens
The novel had ended well, I enjoyed the fight scenes and the asurdity of imagining a chicken head off a teddy bear body (becuase beneath their doppleganger's faces were chickens just wearing mascots). So all in all, It a pretty funny, weird and enjoyable read. It is not really homourous all throughout mind you, but nicely paced and fun enough to continue reading, plus it's a great way to exercise your imagination.

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