Wednesday 30 November 2011

A tribute to the Dragon Lady, Anne McCaffrey

Anne McCaffrey had made a significant role and leaves behind a tremendous legacy in Sci-Fi, her passing is a great loss, But her worlds and words would stay.

I first read one of her novels "The Dragon Singer" one of the Harper Hall trilogy, which in turn is part of the world of Dragonriders of Pern. We were in some book sale in a mall, while I was browsing through the shelves my mom bought it for me without my idea ( She only permitted me one book that time ) 
I was irritated of course, I want to choose my novels my own way, but of course my mother was in a hurry and I have no other choice but to read it

Back at home I realized how fancy the cover of the book was and decided to give it a chance

Of course, If any of you had read any of McCaffrey's novels, this one had been enjoyable, I came to really like the dragons, loved Piemur and just adored all the other characters.Anne was truly amazing at making them feel real, like sometimes-im-annoying-sometimes-good real.

It wasn't full of action or adventure as what most Dragon-themed novels were, instead it shows the humble story of one musically inclined Sea-holden girl named Menolly as she rises to become a respected journey woman owning 9 fire lizards (like mini dragons).
It made me look for the other two of the Harper Hall trilogy, read the whole lot and enjoyed them too
It has it flaws of course, Menolly's parents are just annoying, some characters only appeared once, I didnt understand Lessa.

SO, I finally decided to do some book hunting for the The Dragonriders of Pern, of course I did not find a single copy in bookstores, so I went for the secondhand ones and the books sales, took me two years to complete the two trilogies plus two more McCaffrey novels
Yep I'm a fan, forever will be.
So yeah, her death is really devastating, but well she had a good long life, written books full of imagination and
Some are new fans, some are recommending her books to new generations, some remember them as childhood memories. she can't be easily forgotten.

Thank you Fare well Dragonlady (1926-2011)

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