Monday 28 November 2011

Hello World!! A NEW BLOG! yep for my bookwormy desires

 To distract myself from tiresome thoughts, I have only to resort to books; they easily draw my mind to themselves and away from other things. ~ Michel Montaigne

I have always wanted to do a Literature/ book review blog.
I always have some excuses against my goal of having one like schedules, stressful life and laziness
But now that I'm college already i realized that I must be mature and responsible enough to add another one more blog to moderate

The thing is, I am a HUGE book lover, I've read most of Nancy Drews when I was 10, LOTR came for me when I was 12, books, encyclopedias, you name, I grew up with them

I guess I should thank my mom for all the pages I've read through these years, she's the reason why I had this passion, but haha I believe she is regretting her efforts to force me to read early because now I have the worst eyesight.

So anyway, I want to share stories and book reviews about the novels, ebooks, non fictions, fairy tales, urban myths that I had came about.

Now the adventure of the bookworm begins \(n_n)/

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