Wednesday 30 November 2011

I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore

Rating 2- Almost Good, Some parts are messy but bearable
“In the beginning we were nine.We left when we were very young, almost too young to remember. Almost. And now . . .Three are gone.We are here to keep our race alive, which was almost entirely obliterated. We’re just trying to survive.
Six are left.But we are hunted, and the hunters won’t stop until they’ve killed us all.They caught Number One in Malaysia.Number Two in England. And Number Three in Kenya.
I am Number Four.
I know that I am next.”
I hope so...Anyway, so I read this novel for the sake of knowing what made it turn into a movie, haven't seen the movie too, so I will judge this book by what I read

As you could see I gave it 2. I am irritated by this book. sorry for fans out there, but for this novel is just ARRRGH. Yes, the plot is nice, Fast paced and the action scenes are precious, BUT I still don't think it has given its best

First I blame John/Four for Henri's death. Henri wanted to get away already but John did what? used his powers to make his guardian 'understand' that he is happy and sick of moving blah blah blah. And his reason? because he finally found a good friend in Sam, had fallen in love with Sarah blah blah blah. John, excuse me but you are like what? 15 years old? and there is like a whole army intent to kill you. 

Also its amazing how Sarah and Mark are still alive after fighting Mogadorians, where had the superpowers of the enemy gone to? Mogadorians easily killed the Garde of Lorien and couldn't even kill two humans?

And what's with John not seeing Bernie Kosar as one of Lorien's animals? God, John had dreamed of these animals, saw one of Bernie, though in a different form, playing with him as a child, and it took him the last minute before realizing what it really is? Come on John.

The worse thing in the entire book: John and Sarah's "love story". So yeah John is the new kid and likes the cheerleader/photographer because Sarah is just so pretty and kind, yep I could accept that. But then John kicks Sarah's ex Mark off and POOF they finally have a perfect I'll-Love-You-Always relationship. 
hey, Sarah run sarah! ruuuun!!!
They did not even had a major fight or whatever in their 3 months together, their I love yous feel cheesy and when John revealed he's some kind of alien with monsters waiting to kill him she just went like believed him, no buts, no doubts. AND I THOUGHT TWILIGHT WAS BAD

The best thing about the book on the other had are my three fave characters: Sam, Henri and Bernie Kosar, because they feel real to me and lovable and thinks for other people's sake rather than their own

Well, that's that, the first part was really good actually, but in the end I felt disappointed and annoyed

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