Tuesday 15 May 2012

You Have Seven Messages by Stewart Lewis

Rating 1- Boring, Badly written, Useless, Abandon it while you still can

It's been a year since Luna's mother, the fashion-model wife of a successful film director, was hit and killed by a taxi in New York's East Village. Luna, her father, and her little brother, Tile, are still struggling with grief.
   When Luna goes to clean out her mother's old studio, she's stunned to find her mom's cell phone there—charged and holding seven unheard messages. As Luna begins to listen to them, she learns more about her mother's life than she ever wanted to know . . . and she comes to realize that the tidy tale she's been told about her mother's death may not be the whole truth.
WHY did I even waste my time on this book. WASTED IT. 
So yeah , Luna's mother's dead and there are seven voice mails she has to listen to and open her mother's secrets. At first I though WOW this is going to be a mystery and it would change her life forever.
Unfortunately the book is just full annoying narration. God!!!! and I though "I am Number Four" was annoying, so let me count the ways:
  • Luna keeps talking about how mighty and famous they are, she talks like she's humble but she's not. Her father's a director and her mother's a Fashion model. And it seems all easy that she get to have a vacation in an expensive villa in Italy because like any other 15 year olds, she needs to get away after knowing her mother cheated on her father, and that she's dead.....hurr durr poor baby
  • OOOOOOh rubbing elbows with celebrities! What is Lewis thinking? there's Orlando Bloom and Drew Barrymore whom Luna is besties with. Like "oooh really?" I mean does that info even contribute a teeny tiny thing to the plot. NOPE, because apparently talking with celebrities, how useless these scenes may be to the story, is so normal for a 15-year-old so it should be included, you know, 'slice of life' thing.
  • Oh yeah and she talks to this oh-my-god-so-cute guy named Oliver, who she only had a few words with in the past. Then they hang out a bit, and poof! they are in love. All in a manner of days
  • She starts with photography and you know what happened? She instantly got her photos publicly exhibited (in just a manner of days again) in a gallery because according to her she has the gift of 'composition' that is an important thing for a photographer. It's amazing! she is so damn humble she's almost a saint.
I could go on and on but yeah, this book is one big disappointment. Anyway the reviewers on amazon are hilarious. Especiallt ths one who gave it 5 stars

Oh LOL, good luck

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