Sunday 25 December 2011

Prince of Thorns (The Broken Empire) by Mark Lawrence

Rating 4- Would recommend it to everyone

Once a privileged royal child, raised by a loving mother, Jorg Ancrath has become the Prince of Thorns, a charming, immoral boy leading a grim band of outlaws in a series of raids and atrocities. The world is in chaos: violence is rife, nightmares everywhere. Jorg's bleak past has set him beyond fear of any man, living or dead, but there is still one thing that puts a chill in him. Returning to his father's castle Jorg must confront horrors from his childhood and carve himself a future with all hands turned against him.
This book blew me away. 
One thing I loved about this novel is its unique protagonist, Honorous Jorg Ancrath, a prince who saw enough bloodshed to make him ran away from his home to seek for vengeance in a most brutal, wild, motivation. Willing to sacrifice any of his comrades, use necromancy and dirty tactics. 
Oh and one thing that came out cool for me is he is just thirteen years of age, like WHOOAAA a teenage genius, who had killed too many men for his age, been in too many fights, and on a path to becoming an Emperor? This is one neat prince. 
I dont understand how some book reviewers were having reactions like "revulsion" at Jorg's evil cold-hearted manner, I enjoyed it. I understand how Jorg would want to make his mother and brother's killer to suffer, If were to have a saintly mother, and a brother with an angelic face, AND a father who doesnt care (and him being a king and all) , I would have put justice into my own hands as well. Jorg ceased to be a child when he was forced to see his loved one dying in a most brutal manner, in the company of thorns and hopelessness.
It is quite funny how people take Jorg for granted just becuase he's a kid, like haha he kills! he kills!! reminds me of Madoka Magica's Kyubey, looks can be deceiving.

Wanna watch a movie with me?
The flashbacks and action scenes were nicely written too, wont make any readers feel confused. This novel had been a good read, and I am so happy to hear that the second 
Since this is the first book of a trilogy; This novel had been a good read, and I am so happy to hear that the second book would show Jorg being more mature. The young reckless Jorg was fun, but its nice to see some character growth, so now, I will gladly wait for the next two novels. 

Thursday 15 December 2011

The Toyminator by Robert Rankin

Rating: 4-Would recommend it to everyone
Somewhere over the rainbow and beyond the Yellow Brick Road stands Toy City, formerly known as Toy Town. And things are not going well for the city’s inhabitants. There have been outbreaks of STC—Spontaneous Toy Combustion—and strange signs and portents in the Heavens. Preachers of Toy City’s many religions are predicting that the End Times are nigh and that a Toy City Apocalypse will soon come to pass. But can it be true? Or is there a simple explanation—alien invasion, for instance? With the body count rising and the forces of law and order baffled, it’s time for a hero to step forward and save the day. Well, two heroes actually. Eddie Bear, Toy City Private Eye, and his loyal sidekick, Jack. And they are about to face their biggest challenge yet—to save not only toykind, but mankind as well.
Yep you read the description right. Toy City is a world of toys, like literally walking, living talking toys.It is actually the sequel to The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse,but once again, I read the sequel first and havent got the time to read the first one.Yep, can't tame me

So anyway, the novel starts with Eddie Bear , a teddy bear, once upon a time mayor of Toy City itself. With Jack ( of Jack and Jill only, they kind of well, drifted apart) decided to 'open' their detective agency once more to investigate the muders around Toy City; thus discovering they have dopplegangers who suck the life off the victims.

Then the adventure begins: flirting, wallets, grenades and UFOs. They followed their alien dopplegangers through "The Second Big O" which on the other side proves to be the "O" of Hollywood sign.They have finally came to our world so to speak.

The aliens it turns out were chickens! Chickens planning to take over the land of men. 
aww that had been a pleasant treat for me, I was actually already hoping for something unexpected, I mean the novel started with a walking talking teddy bear after all; but I was still surprised with the chicken part like \(n_n)/ 

yep yep this are the alien chickens,evil chickens
The novel had ended well, I enjoyed the fight scenes and the asurdity of imagining a chicken head off a teddy bear body (becuase beneath their doppleganger's faces were chickens just wearing mascots). So all in all, It a pretty funny, weird and enjoyable read. It is not really homourous all throughout mind you, but nicely paced and fun enough to continue reading, plus it's a great way to exercise your imagination.

Monday 5 December 2011

The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss

Rating: 4-Would recommend it to everyone
My name is Kvothe. I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep. You may have heard of me... So begins the tale of a hero told from his own point of view—a story unequalled in fantasy literature...
ahh the story of Kvothe the Bloodless, who gets orphaned, gets educated and became a sword brandishing hero. This novel is actually the second part of The Kingkiller Chronicles, but I haven't read the first one.

The novel has everything, it begins with Kvothe, now an innkeeper telling his audience, the Chronicler and Bast, his story as he went through his studies, his intelligence , his escapades, his travels and love life.
There is more to his story of course but a summary is tiring since this book has about more that 900 pages.Took me a long time to get through

check out this fanart i saw in deviantart, real cool this is exactly how i imagined kvothe to look like
I dont like Kvothe, he's alright though, annoying, hot tempered, kind still and really wise, but I dont feel any warmth towards him. Yet I like all the other characters actually, I also love the detailed descriptions of the places our hero had been to-the University, The Archives, Maer's kingdom, etc etc.
But those seems to be just for entertainment purposes, so many things had happened and I dont know how it would all add up to one solid plot, so as for now I have no idea how the 3rd novel would be, no expectations, no hints.

But I hate the part of the Adem and all the Lethani is painfully boring...sorry it is just weird to s ee some deep philosophy, but it did helped Kvothe with his fighting prowess, so i can forgive

Rothfuss is truly one of the best writers.The world he made is perfect, amazing, created realistic characters, It is still a fantastic read and worth the time, no wonder it is such a commercial success.

Friday 2 December 2011

Flowers in the Attic by Virginia Andrews

Rating: 4-Would recommend it to everyone
The four Dollanganger children had such perfect lives -- a beautiful mother, a doting father, a lovely home. Then Daddy was killed in a car accident, and Momma could no longer support the family. So she began writing letters to her parents, her millionaire parents, whom the children had never heard of before.
Momma tells the children all about their rich grandparents, and how Chris and Cathy and the twins will live like princes and princesses in their grandparents' fancy mansion. The children are only too delighted by the prospect. But there are a few things that Momma hasn't told them.
She hasn't told them that their grandmother considers them "devil's spawn" who should never have been born. She hasn't told them that she has to hide them from their grandfather if she wants to inherit his fortune. She hasn't told them that they are to be locked away in an abandoned wing of the house with only the dark, airless attic to play in. But, Momma promises, it's only for a few days....
Then the days stretch into months, and the months into years. Desperately isolated, terrified of their grandmother, and increasingly convinced that their mother no longer cares about them, Chris and Cathy become all things to the twins and to each other. They cling to their love as their only hope, their only strength -- a love that is almost stronger than death.
Certainly, the book that started it all: Dollanganger Saga. It puts soap operas and telenovelas to shame. VC Andrews was said that the story was based on a true one just so you know
Anyways "Momma" here is  Corrine, her story could be read in Garden of Shadows (i know right? so greeny), but i will just spoil just the same, we need some background when we want to discuss Flowers in the Attic. The prequel was about how Corrine grew up in a  wealthy family, being the only girl and a beautiful one too, her father was possessive of her to the point of chasing away any potential friendships and suitors, seeing them as unworthy of his daughter's time. But then came Corrine's half uncle (get it? half brother of his father) whom she fell in love with.

Oh the novel was really mainstream that time, they made a movie, but it was shit so don't bother 
Her parents, religious fanatics as they were, disinherited their daughter for marrying the man she loves. So the couple went their way and able to have four -ok here's the annoying part- charming, physically perfect children, an almost perfect life. but POOF dad was killed in the car wreck.

Corrine being brought up in wealth and splendor is not used to work and hardship and made the decision to go back to her parents and ask for forgiveness.

Cathy the narrator of Flower in the Attic, was still twleve when the four children was first locked up in there, with their mother promising of coming back and finally be able to introduce them to her father after she is forgiven.

And it seems it took Corrine a long time to be forgiven since the children were stuck in the attic for years right? Nasty Grandmother + Nasty House + Nasty mother + Hormones + Melodrama

The tale goes on a twisted route, with Momma Corrine drowning in the evilness of money, having boyfriends and poisoning her children. Yep literally poisoning her children. I wont hold that information to myself, hate her,people hate her. Also Cathy and Christopher were having trouble with lust and their twins brother and sister are deteriorating.

The end I m happy to tell you they escaped, its up to you to know how, but they escaped.
But their story doesn't end there
It is for the other books in the series and they are should we say, also filled with misery and hardships. Want me to elaborate? suicide, death, betrayal, adultery, miscarriage. 
So I just want to talk about this one, its not a walk in the park reading this, but its not boring.

But of course this novel is such that couldn't be accepted as good literature, this is just for gothic entertainment purposes, I Rated this as 4, because macabre and ugly as it is, I still want people to know their story, I don't know why, but beneath all the absurdly narration, there lies a simple kind of sad truth: Evil comes in many ways

btw I read this in wiki In episode 21 season 4 of Gossip Girl, Serena's cousin Charlie says Flowers In The Attic was her favorite book as a child."