Tuesday 30 April 2013

The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King

Rating: 4-Would recommend it to everyone
A tale of archetypal heroes and sweeping adventures, of dragons and princes and evil wizards, here is epic fantasy as only Stephen King could envision it.
Can't put it down. Stephen King should make more novels on fantasy. Seriously, I'm screaming for moar
The book started and ended in typical  fairy tale or mythological fashion, thus, I am not surprised to see the protagonist, Prince Peter as almost perfect--no actually, really perfect. I have no problems with characterization and stuff, and I enjoyed the book through and through. King once more, did a superb storytelling, I am just in love with the way he delivered descriptions and back stories. Especially the part of the queen's dollhouse. Reminds me of the real-life Queen Mary dollhouse, only King made it sound more fantastic in words.
I wouldn't want to be disturbed when pulled into the land of "The Eyes of the Dragon". However I'm not so satisfied with the ending, and makes me wish there had been a princess for Peter to fall in love or something. But it's still good.

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