Saturday 9 June 2012

The Space Between by Brenna Yovanoff

Rating: 3- Good, Average, Alright, you name it
Being the youngest daughter of the Devil has never been easy. Daphne's father has no time for her, her mother no interest, and her status in the upper echelon separates her from the working-class demons that populate Lucifer's metropolis. When her brother and only confidante goes missing, life in the restrictive city of Pandemonium becomes intolerable. Now, in an attempt to find him, Daphne sets out for Earth - and finds it larger and more chaotic than she imagined: a dazzling expanse of noise, dirt and random violence. Despite her bewilderment, she navigates the mortal world with growing fascination, gaining an ally when she saves a dying boy from her father's minions. For Truman Flynn, the last year has been one long downward spiral, but when Daphne arrives just in time to save his life, he finds himself unexpectedly glad to have another chance. Together, Daphne and Truman go in search of her brother, braving the hazards of Las Vegas and the perils of first love, even as it becomes increasingly clear that her brother might have had a secret and compelling reason for leaving. Lucifer's agents aren't the only creatures on the prowl, and Daphne soon finds herself the target of a plan to rid the world of demons for good. Now she must evade a demon-eating monster, rescue her brother from an angelic zealot, and save the boy she loves from his greatest enemy - himself.
I cannot understand WHY would anyone write a synopsis that long.
This novel is interesting due to its plot and characters, Yovanoff did a great job with making twists and turns with heavenly creatures. As you could see, my rating's 3, So it is neither bad nor super amazing, but has a share of both worlds in teeny tiny bits.

The first thing that I liked about it is Daphne and Truman's love story, Daphne isn't one of those cutesy female leads that is annoying yet gets the best slices in the story. She's in fact quite smart and calculates her every move, she's kind and her worries really makes you worry, and convinces readers she isn't from our world without making her look too stupid at the same time she looks reasonably ignorant (because she lived all her life in Hell), she somehow reminds me of Castiel...
yep out of this world
Truman is messed up, I could name a few people I know personally who are very much like him. His relationship with Daphne is nicely done, they didn't have a good start nor did they go on having too much of the love hate relationship thing which most novels love to use in every page. They have disagreements once in a while but their love blossomed later on in a realistic manner.

Like I mentioned, I am into the series Supernatural, so the idea od angels and demons appeal to me, but there sure are some confusing parts here on the 'rules' both sides have when it comes who to kill etc. Some of the conversations of the older characters are just boring to read. the ones that can be skipped and the plot still survived.

So all in all, it's average for me.

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