Wednesday 30 November 2011

I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore

Rating 2- Almost Good, Some parts are messy but bearable
“In the beginning we were nine.We left when we were very young, almost too young to remember. Almost. And now . . .Three are gone.We are here to keep our race alive, which was almost entirely obliterated. We’re just trying to survive.
Six are left.But we are hunted, and the hunters won’t stop until they’ve killed us all.They caught Number One in Malaysia.Number Two in England. And Number Three in Kenya.
I am Number Four.
I know that I am next.”
I hope so...Anyway, so I read this novel for the sake of knowing what made it turn into a movie, haven't seen the movie too, so I will judge this book by what I read

As you could see I gave it 2. I am irritated by this book. sorry for fans out there, but for this novel is just ARRRGH. Yes, the plot is nice, Fast paced and the action scenes are precious, BUT I still don't think it has given its best

First I blame John/Four for Henri's death. Henri wanted to get away already but John did what? used his powers to make his guardian 'understand' that he is happy and sick of moving blah blah blah. And his reason? because he finally found a good friend in Sam, had fallen in love with Sarah blah blah blah. John, excuse me but you are like what? 15 years old? and there is like a whole army intent to kill you. 

Also its amazing how Sarah and Mark are still alive after fighting Mogadorians, where had the superpowers of the enemy gone to? Mogadorians easily killed the Garde of Lorien and couldn't even kill two humans?

And what's with John not seeing Bernie Kosar as one of Lorien's animals? God, John had dreamed of these animals, saw one of Bernie, though in a different form, playing with him as a child, and it took him the last minute before realizing what it really is? Come on John.

The worse thing in the entire book: John and Sarah's "love story". So yeah John is the new kid and likes the cheerleader/photographer because Sarah is just so pretty and kind, yep I could accept that. But then John kicks Sarah's ex Mark off and POOF they finally have a perfect I'll-Love-You-Always relationship. 
hey, Sarah run sarah! ruuuun!!!
They did not even had a major fight or whatever in their 3 months together, their I love yous feel cheesy and when John revealed he's some kind of alien with monsters waiting to kill him she just went like believed him, no buts, no doubts. AND I THOUGHT TWILIGHT WAS BAD

The best thing about the book on the other had are my three fave characters: Sam, Henri and Bernie Kosar, because they feel real to me and lovable and thinks for other people's sake rather than their own

Well, that's that, the first part was really good actually, but in the end I felt disappointed and annoyed

The Princess Curse by Marie Haskell

Rating: 4-Would recommend it to everyone
Twelve princesses suffer from a puzzling—and downright silly—curse. Ridiculous though the curse may be, whoever breaks it will win a handsome reward. 
Sharp-witted Reveka, an herbalist’s apprentice, has little use for princesses, with their snooty attitudes and impractical clothing. She does, however, have use for the reward money that could buy her a position as a master herbalist. 
But curses don’t like to be broken, and Reveka’s efforts lead her to deeper mysteries. As she struggles to understand the curse, she meets a shadowy stranger (as charming as he is unsettling) and discovers a blighted land in desperate need of healing. Soon the irreverent apprentice is faced with a daunting choice—will she break the curse at the peril of her own soul?
The Princess Curse is is one addition to story retellings that had been read over the years.
However this version of The Twelve Dancing Princesses is actually just a part element of the whole story for it also has its share of Beauty and The Beast, as well as Greek Mythology.This is simply a impressive rendition. It even introduced me to this Romanian mythological creature called zmeu

if you ever had problem in imagining him, lol like i did,just stare at this red colored beauty
The narration tends to be slow and some political issues are told in a boring manner, but hey you're the reader, so skip and go to the meaty parts.

Anyway Reveka sacrificed herself and agreed to be the zmeu's wife, thus saving her father and the princesses. She then lived in the Underworld, a world of total darkness and discovered how the dark kingdom of souls suffer from deterioration that she could, in a way, help to stop.
Reveka and the zmeu had a quiet, civil relationship that grew with Reveka able to understand Frumos' (zmeu's name) problems. 

All in all, the book isnt perfect, but the way the plot was presented was nice and the later part of the whole story showed maturity and understanding. Yep its squeaky clean, nice romance for Frumos and Reveka too, something that is realistic for a 14 year old to experience.

And now for me, I am lusting for one thing : a sequel.

I have read books before that has open endings that is up to you and all, but the ending Haskell gave the readers is not satisfactory,  you know how that feels? The ending is quite good and win-win I tell you, nothing to be worried about. But still I want Reveka’s adventures to continue. The publisher however hinted he will ask more if the sales are good, and I hope it does \(n_n)/

A Tale Dark and Grimm by Adam Gidwitz

Rating: 4-Would recommend it to everyone
 Book trailer here
In this mischievous and utterly original debut, Hansel and Gretel walk out of their own story and into eight other classic Grimm-inspired tales. As readers follow the siblings through a forest brimming with menacing foes, they learn the true story behind (and beyond) the bread crumbs, edible houses, and outwitted witches.
Fairy tales have never been more irreverent or subversive as Hansel and Gretel learn to take charge of their destinies and become the clever architects of their own happily ever after
One of the best known fairy tales Gidwitz was able to create a horrifying yet clever narration of Hansel and Gretel, also featuring less known tales such as "Faithful Johannes" and "The Seven Swallows". As Gidwitz babbles on, he keeps on interrupting the reader with humor and warnings, of course since this book has parents chopping off their own children's heads and putting them on later and are alive once again! Statues coming to life,  facing Hell and The Devil (and its mother), fighting dragons, talking raindrops, even the moon eats children:

i know...creepy
No children in reality would of course endure what Gidwitz's Hansel and Gretel experienced, but A Tale Dark and Grimm tells us a lesson that children are not always as innocent and as stupid, and fairytales can be awesome.

A tribute to the Dragon Lady, Anne McCaffrey

Anne McCaffrey had made a significant role and leaves behind a tremendous legacy in Sci-Fi, her passing is a great loss, But her worlds and words would stay.

I first read one of her novels "The Dragon Singer" one of the Harper Hall trilogy, which in turn is part of the world of Dragonriders of Pern. We were in some book sale in a mall, while I was browsing through the shelves my mom bought it for me without my idea ( She only permitted me one book that time ) 
I was irritated of course, I want to choose my novels my own way, but of course my mother was in a hurry and I have no other choice but to read it

Back at home I realized how fancy the cover of the book was and decided to give it a chance

Of course, If any of you had read any of McCaffrey's novels, this one had been enjoyable, I came to really like the dragons, loved Piemur and just adored all the other characters.Anne was truly amazing at making them feel real, like sometimes-im-annoying-sometimes-good real.

It wasn't full of action or adventure as what most Dragon-themed novels were, instead it shows the humble story of one musically inclined Sea-holden girl named Menolly as she rises to become a respected journey woman owning 9 fire lizards (like mini dragons).
It made me look for the other two of the Harper Hall trilogy, read the whole lot and enjoyed them too
It has it flaws of course, Menolly's parents are just annoying, some characters only appeared once, I didnt understand Lessa.

SO, I finally decided to do some book hunting for the The Dragonriders of Pern, of course I did not find a single copy in bookstores, so I went for the secondhand ones and the books sales, took me two years to complete the two trilogies plus two more McCaffrey novels
Yep I'm a fan, forever will be.
So yeah, her death is really devastating, but well she had a good long life, written books full of imagination and
Some are new fans, some are recommending her books to new generations, some remember them as childhood memories. she can't be easily forgotten.

Thank you Fare well Dragonlady (1926-2011)

Tuesday 29 November 2011

What kind of book blogger will I be?

First, I am not a good critic/reviewer, So the next posts I will do would come directly from my personal opinions and feelings. I tell the honest truth whether it's good or bad, so it may not agree with other readers, but I want to stay true to my own words 

Second I want to rate books based on my own rating scale \(n_n)/
1- Boring, Badly written, Useless, Abandon it while you still can
2- Almost Good, Some parts are messy but bearable
3- Good, Average, Alright, you name it
4- Would recommend it to everyone
5- Got to have a copy. Gotta reread forever

I am going to use the ones above of course, and try to stick to them through out the blog.

Monday 28 November 2011

Hello World!! A NEW BLOG! yep for my bookwormy desires

 To distract myself from tiresome thoughts, I have only to resort to books; they easily draw my mind to themselves and away from other things. ~ Michel Montaigne

I have always wanted to do a Literature/ book review blog.
I always have some excuses against my goal of having one like schedules, stressful life and laziness
But now that I'm college already i realized that I must be mature and responsible enough to add another one more blog to moderate

The thing is, I am a HUGE book lover, I've read most of Nancy Drews when I was 10, LOTR came for me when I was 12, books, encyclopedias, you name, I grew up with them

I guess I should thank my mom for all the pages I've read through these years, she's the reason why I had this passion, but haha I believe she is regretting her efforts to force me to read early because now I have the worst eyesight.

So anyway, I want to share stories and book reviews about the novels, ebooks, non fictions, fairy tales, urban myths that I had came about.

Now the adventure of the bookworm begins \(n_n)/