Wednesday 7 August 2013

Land of Stories by Chris Colfer

Rating: 5- Got to have a copy. Gotta reread forever
Alex and Conner Bailey's world is about to change, in this fast-paced adventure that uniquely combines our modern day world with the enchanting realm of classic fairy tales.
The Land of Stories tells the tale of twins Alex and Conner. Through the mysterious powers of a cherished book of stories, they leave their world behind and find themselves in a foreign land full of wonder and magic where they come face-to-face with the fairy tale characters they grew up reading about.
But after a series of encounters with witches, wolves, goblins, and trolls alike, getting back home is going to be harder than they thought.
First of all when I first chose this book to read one lazy afternoon, I knew nothing about the guy called Chris Colfer. Seriously, I don't watch Glee nor do I bother myself with tabloids or whatever. Anyway after the first few pages, I was hooked, I became an instant fan. Like what I've mentioned in my earlier blog entries, I love fairy tales and any good adaptation of any of the stories is worthy of praise. But Land of Stories is just so different, over-the-top good story telling that made me go "Why did I never thought of that?"
 First there were so many characters. Almost everything is covered: Snow White, Goldilocks, Jack, Rapunzel, trolls, Cinderalla, Sleeping Beauty and all the Prince Charmings (Because in this world, Charming is apparently a last name).

Then that thing about the Evil Queen, the mirror is actually her cursed, and when he became enamored with Snow White since she looks like the Evil Queen during her younger years, the Evil Queen became angry and we know what happened next. Whoops, sorry for the spoiler, but it was just so good

Highly recommended, their adventures are quite entertaining, never a dull moment and love all the characters as much as you could. PS: This is a trilogy too so there are still two more books to watch out for!

The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly

Rating: 4-Would recommend it to everyone
'Once upon a time, there was a boy who lost his mother !'As twelve-year-old David takes refuge from his grief in the myths and fairytales so beloved of his dead mother, he finds the real world and the fantasy world begin to blend. That is when bad things start to happen. That is when the Crooked Man comes. And David is violently propelled into a land populated by heroes, wolves and monsters, his quest to find the legendary Book of Lost Things.
As of now, it is evident that I'm so into fairytale re-tellings, and this novel is another creepy version of all of them magical characters combined, so it is not something new. It started out how David is coping with changes as his mother died and he has a new step-brother whom he hates.

However this is one dark tale, when David began to meet many different creatures ( in which most are either depressed or psychotic) and such. It's not the best but the book is still a must read anyway, watch out for the later part of the novel, this is where the best parts are *winks*