Tuesday 15 May 2012

The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Rating 5- Got to have a copy. Gotta reread forever

In a discontent kingdom, civil war is brewing. To unify the divided people, Conner, a nobleman of the court, devises a cunning plan to find an impersonator of the king's long-lost son and install him as a puppet prince. Four orphans are recruited to compete for the role, including a defiant boy named Sage. Sage knows that Conner's motives are more than questionable, yet his life balances on a sword's point -- he must be chosen to play the prince or he will certainly be killed. But Sage's rivals have their own agendas as well.
As Sage moves from a rundown orphanage to Conner's sumptuous palace, layer upon layer of treachery and deceit unfold, until finally, a truth is revealed that, in the end, may very well prove more dangerous than all of the lies taken together.
Jennifer A. Nielsen is SUPERB,this book talks about planning a royal deception by resurrecting a dead prince in the image of one of four orphans. One of these is Sage, a clever, sharp tongued boy who, with the rest must be educated, in academics, sword fighting and behavior that is expected from one brought up in royalty. The winner shall be introduced as the long lost Prince Jarom and claim the Throne. All throughout the novel, I was never bored nor did I stopped reading, finished it in one sitting. That is how brilliant this book is.

(I've already did a positive rant about this novel in my tumblr blog but I will just copypasta it here: )

Nah I wont spill the beans. Believe me, this is one novel you won’t want to hear spoilers from. It did well for me. Opening the pages without any idea what the story is about, all I had was the cover art, and ppof! I was pleasantly drawn in by the plot. The writing style is great, good yet understandable, and Sage’s character is just….so real, you will just have to sympathize with him and reading his conversations with the other characters makes you want to cheer him on. Sage makes sarcasm look cool. Personally, I put this in my Extra Fave God Tier Young Adult book collection. It’s a trilogy, so obviously the expectation’s high for the 2nd one.
Seriously. Highly recommended.

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